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Pedro Raúl López Jácome
Other External Director
He was born in Caracas, in 1966. He is a Certified Public Accountant from the Universidad Central of Venezuela.
Professional career
He has developed his professional career in Ernst&Young, audit area, and finally got the position of senior manager of the financial advisory division. Subsequently, he held the position of director at Banesco Organización Financiera, responsible for Capital Markets and International and Credit and Risk areas. In 1999, he founded and was president of Multiplica Casa de Bolsa and became the director of several companies related to capital markets in Venezuela, such as Fondo de Valores Inmobiliarios, Inmuebles y Valores Caracas, and HL Boulton.
Teacher of Capital Markets in Centro Integral de Actualización Profesional of the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Venezuela), and also in Escuela de Organización Industrial, Madrid. He is currently the founder and non-executive chairman of the Wealth Management Miura Capital Group, which has broker dealer and Investment Advisor licenses in the USA, Panama and Switzerland.
In July 2014, he was appointed member of the Board of Directors of ABANCA Corporación Bancaria, S.A.
Other relevant positions: He is chairman of ABANCA Gestión de Activos, S.A. S.G.I.I.C. and sole administrator of Miurex Inversiones Hispania, S.L.