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Francisco Botas Ratera
Chief Executive Officer
Executive Director
He was born in Ferrol, in 1967. Bachelor’s degree in Law, Business Management and Economics from Univsersidad Pontificia de Comillas, and C.Degree in International Business Finance from Berkeley University. .
Professional career
His professional career started as an auditor in KPMG Peat Marwik In 1992 he joined Mac Group-Gemini as a Corporate Strategy and Finance consultant and in 1996 he joined Inditex, as Business Manager in the international department.
In 1998 he joined Banco Etcheverría, where he held various responsibilities until he was appointed director general and, from June 2007 to March 2014, he served as CEO.
In March 2014, he joined NCG Banco S.A. (currently ABANCA Corporación Bancaria, S.A.) as corporate director general, up to June of that year when he was appointed CEO.
Other relevant positions: He is a board member of Cecabank